“How many sessions will I need?”

Every person is different and while some people may only need 10 Medicare sessions to complete a treatment plan, not all mental health concerns can be resolved in only 10 sessions. Try to think about your investment in your therapeutic process as an investment in your mental health and lifelong well-being.

In a medium to long-term therapeutic model you will likely need approximately 10 - 15 sessions (depending on your presenting concern) a year to realistically make a difference to your mental health:

  1. 10 sessions can be accessed through Medicare (You will get back $141.85 a session)

  2. Thereafter approximately 5 to 10 additional sessions may have to be accessed privately or through your private health insurance fund

Please remember you will likely need more frequent sessions at first to achieve symptom reduction and potentially risk management. This is then followed by a longer lens therapeutic approach in order to do the emotional work aimed at your personality structure, attachment style and trauma which is where long-term change is really achieved.

“What do I have to have in place prior to my first session?”

Prior to your first session you will need to have met with your GP and should email or fax your Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) and referral letter though to Origin Psychology. You will also upon booking your initial appointment online receive online links to various forms on our Power Diary portal. Please ensure you have filled in and signed your New Client Forms and your Clinical Intake Form at least 3 days prior to the first session. Your initial session can not proceed without these forms being filled in and signed.

“What if I don’t have an MHTP? How do I access a Clinical Psychologist?”

You can access clinical psychology services as a private client without a mental health treatment plan (MHTP) from your GP or Psychiatrist. However, this means that you will pay the full fee for each session and that you will not receive a rebate for your session. Alternatively, you can have an MHTP drawn up for you which will allow you to access the Medicare Better Access Scheme (10 rebatable sessions a year).

“I’ve seen online that medicare sessions are free - is this true?”

Unfortunately the Medicare better access sessions are not “free”. However, they are rebatable. And as such you will receive $141.85 per session with a Clinical Psychologist which will significantly reduce your out of pocket costs for each session.

“How do I access the Medicare Better Access and Enhanced Primary Care Schemes?”

In order to access these sessions you will need to be referred by your GP under a mental health treatment plan (MHTP), by your psychiatrist under an assessment and management plan or by a paediatrician. One of the most accessible ways to go about this is to:

Step 1:

Contact your GP and book in an appointment to have your mental health assessed and to have a MHTP drawn up for you.

Step 2:

You will receive a referral letter with a course of treatment for an initial 6 sessions. After these sessions you will have to meet with your GP to get a re-referral for an additional 4 sessions.

Step 3:

Fax your MHTP and your referral letter to Origin Psychology. Please note the referral letter must state the number of sessions your GP has released to you. Either the Better Access (6 Sessions) or the Better Access (4 sessions).

Step 4:

Access psychological services and receive a rebate after each session.

“How long are my MHTP and referral valid for?”

Your MHTP is valid for 2 years from the date of referral. All you need to do to access sessions is go to your GP and ask for a “re-referral” for sessions in this time. If you change GPs you may have to have a new MHTP completed. Note please that your referral is valid for 12 months. If you have not completed all your sessions in a year you can access remaining sessions the following year on the same referral.

“I did not use all of my sessions last year - What happens to the remaining sessions?”

Please note that any sessions you have not used in a course of treatment carry over to the next year. However, the sessions carried over count toward the overall number of rebatable sessions for that year.